----------------------------------------------------------------- Contents ----------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Introduction (2) Requirements (3) Installation (4) Using the Matlab interface (5) control, info and rinfo arguments ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------- Given a sparse matrix A = a_{ij} of dimension n, MA57 solves the linear system A x = b MA57 offers two MATLAB procedures: ma57_factor ma57_solve ma57_factor performs an LDL' factorization of a permutation of a sparse A, using the HSL2011 package MA57. It is equivalent to calling the Fortran routines MA57AD, MA57BD, and (if required) MA57ED. ma57_solve uses the factorization in order to compute the solution(s) corresponding to the right-hand side(s) b. It is equivalent to calling the Fortran routines MA57CD and MA57DD. MA57 routines implement a multifrontal algorithm for the factorization of A. The matrix L is a unit lower triangular matrix and D is block diagonal with blocks of order 1 or 2. MA57 uses only the diagonal and the lower triangle of A. The upper triangle is assumed to be the transpose of the lower. Before the factorization starts, scaling is performed using the HSL2011 package MC64. In order to minimize the fill-in during the factorization process, the user can choose to reorder the matrix A either by Approximate Minimum Degree (AMD) (the default value) or, if the user wants to use a permutation p, he/she can call the interfaces using A(p,p) and setting the control.order parameter to a value > 1 ( see Section 5 below). For stability, all the pivots are tested numerically. However, in order to avoid excessive disruption of the AMD or the user's reorderings threshold pivoting is used. Therefore, denoting the entries to be processed at step k of the factorization by f_{ij}, a 1x1 numerical pivot will be used if |f_{kk} | \ge u \max_{j \ne k} |f_{kj} |, or a 2x2 numerical pivot will be used if (|f_{k,k}| |f_{k,k+1}| ) (\max_{j\ne k,k+1} |f_{k,j}| ) (1) ( ) ( ) <= u^-1( ) (|f_{k+1,k}| |f_{k+1,k+1}|) (\max_{j\ne k,k+1} |f_{k+1,j}|) (1) where u is a threshold parameter given in the control.thres parameter (the default value is 0.01), see Section 5 below. During stage k of a multifrontal implementation of Gaussian elimination, some entries may not be eligible to be chosen as a pivot. In this case, the algorithm will proceed using the eligible variables only and will choose the rejected pivot at a later stage when the candidate entry will become eligible. Additional details about the theory of the multifrontal method and the numerical pivoting strategy can be found in [1] and [2]. References [1] I.S. Duff "MA57: a new code for the solution of sparse symmetric indefinite systems", Technical Report RAL-TR-2002-024, ACM Trans. Math. Software 30 (2004), 118-144. [2] I.S. Duff and S. Pralet, "Strategies for scaling and pivoting for sparse symmetric indefinite problems", SIAM. J. Matrix Anal. & Appl. 27, (2005), 313-340. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Requirements ----------------------------------------------------------------- These instructions should work on Linux, Mac OS or Windows systems. They have been tested using the six most recent releases of Matlab. Please note that HSL software requires a Fortran compiler to be installed that is compatible with Matlab. Please see https://uk.mathworks.com/support/requirements/supported-compilers.html and look up the requirements for your OS and version of Matlab. The MATLAB environment variable must point to your system matlab directory (see INSTALL for further details) ----------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Installation ----------------------------------------------------------------- Instructions for installing the Matlab interface to MA57 are located in INSTALL. You can type ma57_install without any input arguments at the command line of Matlab to proceed to the standard installation. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Using the Matlab interface ----------------------------------------------------------------- To solve Ax=b, first a factorization of A must be performed. >> struct = ma57_factor(A) This is followed by a solve using the factors stored in struct, which must not be modified by the user. >> x = ma57_solve(A, b, struct) If multiple systems are to be solved using the same matrix A, it need only be factorized once. For example, >> struct = ma57_factor(A) >> x1 = ma57_solve(A, b1, struct) >> x2 = ma57_solve(A, b2, struct) Additional parameters may be used to control the behaviour of both functions and statistics may also be collected: >> [struct, info, rinfo] = ma57_factor(A, control) >> [x, info, rinfo] = ma57_solve(A, b, struct, nitre) The arguments are described below. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 4(a). The routine ma57_factor ----------------------------------------------------------------- struct = ma57_factor(A) [struct, info, rinfo] = ma57_factor(A, control) If A is not square or sparse an ERROR message is printed. If a fatal error occurs during the factorization an error message is printed. Fatal errors include the wrong number of input or output arguments and insufficient memory. If the numerical rank < length(A) a WARNING message is printed. INPUT A sparse symmetric input matrix (only the lower triangular part will be used). Note that if A is not symmetric ma57_factor and ma57_solve will expand the the lower triangular entries of A to form a symmetric matrix. control OPTIONAL structure whose components affect the behaviour of MA57 as detailed in Section 5. OUTPUT struct structure containing the factorization produced by MA57. This is not intended to be accessed by the user, and should be passed unaltered to subsequent calls to ma57_solve. info OPTIONAL array containing statistics. The values will be set as described in Section 5. rinfo OPTIONAL array containing statistics. The values will be set as described in Section 5. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 4(b). The routine ma57_solve ----------------------------------------------------------------- x = ma57_solve(A, b, struct) [x, info, rinfo] = ma57_solve(A, b, struct, nitre) INPUT A sparse symmetric input matrix (only the lower triangular part will be used). This must be the same as for the call to ma57_factor. b an n x m matrix containing m right-hand sides. struct the factors returned by a previous call to ma57_factor. nitre OPTIONAL number specifying maximum number of steps for iterative refinement. Iterative refinement can be disabled by setting this value to 0. If it is not present then at most 10 steps of iterative refinement are performed. OUTPUT x an n x m matrix containing the solution to Ax=b. info OPTIONAL array containing statistics. The values will be set as described in Section 5. rinfo OPTIONAL array containing statistics. The values will be set as described in Section 5. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 5. control, info and rinfo arguments ----------------------------------------------------------------- control ------- If any of the fields of control is omitted the default value is automatically set. Incorrect values or empty values produce an error message. control.order Allows the user to choose a reordering strategy for the pivot sequence: control.order <= 0 ==> AMD ordering is used control.order > 1 ==> User's reordering p is used and the user must pass the permuted matrix A(p,p) in the input Its default value is 0. control.thres The value of the threshold u (see MA57 Specification sheet). Its default value is 0.01. control.stpv If stpv is set to a value greater than zero, static pivoting is invoked. This means that if, at any stage of the multifrontal elimination, the threshold criterion defined by control.thres prevents us choosing a pivot, then we first weaken the threshold by successively trying values one tenth of the previous until a threshold of sqrt(thresh)*stvp is reached. If the pivot is still not chosen, but involves non eligible variables, then the diagonal entries are replaced by control.stpv times the largest modulus of an entry in the original matrix and are used as 1 by 1 pivots in the factorization. The default value is 0. We advise the user interested in this option to use first a value close to sqrt(eps) for stpv. Iterative refinement must be used but convergence is not guaranteed. info ---- info(1) will be 0 after a successful execution; a positive value indicates that the matrix A has numerical pseudo rank < length(A). The solution can be incorrect, and info(25) holds the numerical pseudo rank value. info(2) to info(4) are only used internally. info(5) Forecast number of real in the factors. info(6) Forecast number of integers in the factors. info(7) Forecast maximum frontal matrix size. info(8) Forecast number of nodes in the assembly tree. info(9) Forecast of the length of fact array(real) without numerical pivoting. info(10) Forecast of the length of ifact array(integer) without numerical pivoting. info(11) Length of fact required for a successful completion of the numerical phase allowing data compression (without numerical pivoting). info(12) Length of ifact required for a successful completion of the numerical phase allowing data compression (without numerical pivoting). info(13) Number of data compresses. info(14) Number of entries in factors. info(15) Storage for real data in factors. info(16) Storage for integer data in factors. info(17) Minimum length of fact required for a successful completion of the numerical phase. info(18) Minimum length of ifact required for a successful completion of the numerical phase. info(19) Minimum length of fact required for a successful completion of the numerical phase without data compression. info(20) Minimum length of ifact required for a successful completion of the numerical phase without data compression. info(21) Order of the largest frontal matrix. info(22) Number of 2x2 pivots. info(23) Total number of fully-summed variables passed to the father node because of numerical pivoting. info(24) Number of negative eigenvalues. info(25) Rank of the factorization of the matrix. info(26) Only used internally info(27) Pivot step where static pivoting commences and it is set to zero if no modification performed. info(28) Number of data compresses on real data structures. info(29) Number of data compresses on integer data structures. info(30) Number of steps performed by Iterative Refinement. info(31) Number of block pivots in factors (see info(8)). info(32) Number of zeros in the triangle of the factors. info(33) Number of zeros in the rectangle of the factors. info(34) Number of zero columns in rectangle of the factors. info(35) Number of pivots chosen in the static pivoting phase. info(36) to info(40) are only used internally. rinfo ----- rinfo(1) Forecast number of floating_point additions for the assembly processes. rinfo(2) Forecast number of floating_point operations to perform the elimination operations counting a multiply-add pair as two operations rinfo(3) Number of floating_point additions for the assembly processes. rinfo(4) Number of floating_point operations to perform the elimination operations counting multiply-add pair as two operations. rinfo(5) Only used internally rinfo(6) Omega1 (backward error) (see MA57 spec). rinfo(7) Omega2 (backward error) (see MA57 spec). rinfo(8) to rinfo(10) are only used internally rinfo(11) Cond number for Omega1 rinfo(12) Cond number for Omega2 rinfo(13) Estimated forward error rinfo(14) to rinfo(15) are only used internally. rinfo(16) Minimum value of the scaling factor (MC64). rinfo(17) Maximum value of the scaling factor (MC64). rinfo(18) Maximum modulus of matrix entry. rinfo(19) and rinfo(20) are only used internally. rinfo(21) Analysis phase cputime (sec). rinfo(22) Factorization phase cputime (sec). rinfo(23) Solution phase cputime (sec) without iterative refinement. rinfo(24) Solution phase cputime (sec) with iterative refinement.